Thursday, December 1, 2011

up and down on the xylophones!

You ask a child which way is up, and he'll point to the sky.  However, you ask a first grader standing at a xylophone the same question, and hopefully he can point toward the right.  Here's some 1st graders playing and singing Burn Little Candles.

Light the Little Candles Dance

The music of the Hanukkah season is rhythmic, minor, and very fun to dance to!  You'll enjoy watching the Kindergarten (Red color group) perform a fun dance.

We can hardly wait!

The Third graders in the PS are ready to share our lovely songs for you.  Our Christmas program is scheduled in the Chapel for Dec. 15 at 1:30 pm.  Please come if you can.  Here's the 3rd Red Color group singing Panis Angelicus:

"Are we going to sing this for our parents?"

When the song and experience is so special in class that a student asks this question:  "Are we going to sing this for our parents?" you know it's wonderful!  I saw a very disappointed expression when I answered that I wasn't planning to.  So, I thought, "sure, we'll sing it and put it on the blog".  Isn't technology wonderful?  Here's our Kindergartners singing The North Wind Blows accompanied by unpitched percussion instruments.